Sunday, February 14, 2010

components of yoga

This is the sutra that a lot of people get introduced to with no reference to how to work it or what the aim is and no frame of meaning to shine light on the words. Amazing! that it is so successful and gives so much to so many in spite of this… lack…
Sutra 2.29 “There are eight components of yoga. These are – 1. Yama – our attitudes towards our environment. 2. Niyama – our attitudes towards ourselves. 3. Asana – the practice of body exercises. 4. Pranayama – the practice of breathing exercises. 5. Pratyahara – restraint of our senses. 6. Dharana – the ability to direct our mind. 7. Dhyana – the ability to develop interactions with what we seek to understand. 8. Samadhi – complete integration with the object to be understood.” After translating the sutra Desikachar moves on to tell us that they don’t necessarily has to come or be practiced in this order and that every person has to find their own way – I just love that. All these components develop as we move along our way. Beautiful.
I guess I just bring it along and read it out loud in class and take some time to focus on how the different components are unfolding in my life this week.
Namasté love and light


Shrek Font said...

I agree with you

Jenni said...

Thank you Shrek for commenting and recognizing - always nice. Are you a yoga practitioner?

مشروع جديد ناجح said...

yes you have a good ideas

Jenni said...

Thank you Reemhmam for reading and making contact - nice to have fellow travellers :-)