Friday, June 29, 2007


This week I want to explore love, with the help of yoga :) Lets be ambitious! But I’m actually serious, I’ve tried it before, to move and do, with a loving mind and get a beautiful reward; awareness of my loving nature.
Joseph Campbell said “People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances without own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive.”
I can relate to this. I don’t want to understand love, I want to experience it. I want to be self providing, and I know I already am. Beautiful. Free me from the object and let me just be,, love.
Maybe this is one of these summer (inner) romance things,,, ?!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Yoga exploration

My classes, this week, will be about exploration, I can use my exploring skills, both from yoga and my studies to teach them to explore with an open mind. I’m looking forward to it!
So all I have to do is,,, to find some asanas that you can stay in for a while. I know some people do yoga where they stay forever in every asana, that’s not me, at least sot recently :)

Friday, June 15, 2007


Lately my classes have gone dynamic. It tends to be that way when I’m in a stressful situation, like close to deadlines and a lot of work in other areas of my life.
We have been doing a lot of different sunsalutations, lots of standing asanas and loads of dynamic entrances to classical hatha asanas. Its ok, it kind of keeps me sharp and in the moment. Maybe my dance training shines through when I’m on autopilot,, ? To get some balance in this I made some classes, where they got down on the floor almost in between every asana, working mentally with the poses.
My own daily practise is influenced by Lauren Peterson, I’m just grateful to have a daily practise, it’s been one of these long “search my soul” journeys for me; to find what’s appropriate for my everyday and accept that I can’t do as much as before I have two kids and we live alone, so I’m just happy to have found my way, for the time being.

Monday, June 11, 2007

An experience and playfulness

Yes, Camilla prodded me to tell about my project. I proudly delivered a 187 pages long essay about experiences. Or more exactly, how to create a room that contains possibilities, for the visitor, to get an experience. You can read it here! If you saw my face, you would laugh,, I just have this grin! Like a cat who caught the rat… This project has given me a contented feeling. I have been a little girl playing with ideas and my group have been amazing, our last meeting, we wore crazy hats and a wig. I’ve also enjoyed my ability to structure my work, so that my parts are done, way before deadline, and this in a group that have another feeling of time. I found time to do my yoga work and being with my kids and not losing sight of my greater power all that much. So I give myself an A. And more, I consider my own grading as my reality. How I love reality, and owning, being and loving what already is! Two semesters ago, I had the blues after my exams for five days, last semester I had something like three days of blues. This semester I’ve had,,, NONE! I’ve been tired and I slept. I haven’t had energy to plan exciting things, so I haven’t planned anything. After a week I reread my essay, and I still liked it! I see this whole grade-thing as a game we play. There is so much love in playing. When I can find my playfulness and bring it into my work (all three works) I’m a more loving and living fellow human being. I’m so grateful that I chose this subject for my essay, where I could use my yoga philosophy as a guideline. I could actually use my body experiences to understand theoreticians writing at a high abstract/intellectual level. I also could chose to listen to my body experience and by opening my mind see the theoreticians that could explain and thereby be used to support my own inner knowledge. Beautiful

Monday, June 04, 2007

new job

Today is my first day at my new job! Exciting!
I actually never had a first day before :)
I’ve always been in such a rush, to become one of the oldies, that I kind of jumped over the start, well, that is also a story of not, having started at a new job for,,,,,hmm,,, something like,, 8 years! Suddenly I feel old;)
And yoga doesn’t count, I’m just me there.
I better go now, not to get late.
(It’s called to be a “study counsellor”, but al I know so far, is that we don’t counsel hihi)