1.49: “His knowledge is no longer based on memory or interference. It is spontaneous, direct and at a level and intensity that is beyond the ordinary” That’s a motivation alright!!
This is a promise come true, in my knowledge of my body and my movement. I start every class with a “check in” to here and now in body-mind-and heart, when I connect to my body the words “don’t judge, don’t understand just feel the state of here and now in the body” and something happens. This connection to truth beyond words is given. Nice place. In the rest of my life this is a fickle place for me – I relate to it and have experienced it, I crave this very free and content place. The spontaneous response and the intense contact to truth (reality) is my spiritual centre it is always with me, so as yoga (hehe) it can be anything, I always can get there. Memory of how it use to be is an obstacle to freedom, but who did just say that the obstacle is the path… yeahyeahyeah
To work with experiencing the now, what’s my truth and let go of memory based judgement and evaluations in my teaching this week lets see…
Love and Namasté
Jenni Saunte
1 comment:
Isn't it just exactly that way? We stand on the mat and we KNOW the truth of the moment. Now the task is to bring that moment off the mat and into the rest of our lives.
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